假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文.文中共 有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处.每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改.
增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧ ),并在其下面写出该加的词.
    Last Thursday was the day where I paid a visit for the museum of tea together with some foreign students and showed them around there.
    I led them to look through the items about tea at the exhibition in beginning. They were curious about the stories behind those old mysteriously things. Then I showed them what to make tea. Later, they tried making tea by them. At the end of the activity, we had a photo was taken together. Exhausted and delighted , they expressed their gratefulness to me for my explain.
    The activity impressed me deeply because it allow me to know more about our traditional culture that day. I enjoyed it very much.
  • 1.If you live in a place where most people speak the language you are learning,you may use the language for several hours each day.But you may not have these chances to practice English.You may even be self-taught.(1)
    It is not very difficult,but it does take effort and practice.
       Think in single words.
    In your head,try to name each object in your surroundings.As you continue with this,it becomes more of a habit,so things are going to pop up into your head - computer,telephone,chair,and desk.Whatever it is,wherever you are.You can also do this at home when you wake up and before you go to sleep.

       Another exercise is describing in your mind objects you don't know the words for.An example would be if you couldn't think of the word "garage," Hinshaw says."If you're looking at your house and you see your garage,but you can't think of the name in English.You can say, 'The place inside where I put my car.'"
       Think in sentences.
       The next exercise is thinking in simple sentences.For example,if you are sitting in a park,you can tell yourself things like, "It's such a beautiful day" and "People are playing sports with their friends."(4)

       Describe your day.
       Another exercise experts suggest is to describe your daily activities.You can mentally make plans in the morning when you wake up.(5)
    So the skill level is a little higher.

    A.Describe unknown words.
    B.Guess the meaning of a new word.
    C.This would require future verb tenses.
    D.A good first step is to think in individual words.
    E.Hinshaw says doing this can help learners of any language.
    F.Once this becomes easy,you can move on to more difficult sentences.
    G.The good news is that thinking in English can bring you a huge step closer to fluency!
  • 2.I was working one night when a couple came in.They picked a quiet corner and sat down without much energy.And I thought both of them were in need of a shower and a change of clean clothes.
        I served them food and then focused on my own things,but I was still concerned about them.They looked really sad.The woman explained in the end.They were worried about their little boy who was sick.They had been in the hospital for many days and the nurses asked them to rest for a while.
        I felt terribly sorry for them.I still remembered exactly what happened to my little daughter one year before.I understood their struggles and pains more than others.The nurses had done the same thing to me.And I had been forced to be away for a few hours.
        I knew there was no way to reduce their anxiety.but I could help them a little.So I told them that the meal was free of charge that night and provided them with delicious desserts they hadn't ordered before.I wished them luck before they left.To my surprise,a few minutes later,the young woman came back.She told me that she and her husband were really grateful for my kindness.Then she handed me a few flowers.
        A few years passed.One day I was approached by a woman and she said, "You probably don't remember me!" Beside her was a little boy who was playing on the street.

    (1)What did the author think of the couple when she first saw them? (no more than 8 words)

    (2)What happened to the author's daughter one year before? (no more than 10 words)

    (3)Why did the author say that she understood this couple? (no more than 12 words)

    (4)What did the young woman do after she came back to the restaurant? (no more than 12 words)

    (5)What can you learn from the author's story? (no more than 20 words)
  • 3.Longjing tea is a kind of tea(1)
    has topped the list of the ten most famous teas in China with its amazing colour,taste and shape.It(2)
    (name)after its region of production-Longing Village of West Lake.The good environment and water sources are good for the growth of the tea,confirming the saying that "Longjing tea is the(3)
    (good)among all of the teas in the world."
    Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty,the tea has earned a high reputation.It is said that Emperor Qianlong visited a mountain of Longjing Village of West Lake on his travels to Hangzhou,and he saw some ladies picking the tea at(5)
    foot of the mountain.He was so interested in their movements that he decided to have a go himself.
    (pick)the tea,he received the news of his mother's illness,so he carelessly put the leaves in his pocket and(7)
    (leave)Hangzhou for Beijing.Upon his arrival in Beijing,he visited his mother immediately,offering(8)
    (she)great comfort.His mother smelt the pleasant smell of the tea from his pocket and wanted to have a taste.After drinking a cup of tea,she found herself(9)
    (complete)energetic,and she even praised it as a cure for all(10)
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