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浏览次数:34 更新:2024年07月25日
  • 2991.These people are studying English.However,they are now facing some problems.
       I am Pablo.I work 50 hours a week as a taxi driver,so I talk with people all day.They understand me,but I know I make a lot of mistakes.No one corrects me.My vocabulary is strong.Grammar is my problem.I'm trying to change little by little.For example,I don't use the past tense (时态).I always say,"I drive him to the office this morning" instead of "I drove him to the office this morning".
       My name is Maria Luisa.I'm teaching myself English,and I'm good at grammar.However,it's really difficult to find ways to practice English.I live in an area where everyone speaks my language.My neighbours and friends speak Spanish.I can speak Spanish in the supermarket and at the post office.
       I am Li Ping.I understand the grammar and the readings in my class and I think my writing is good,but I'm very nervous when I speak English.I don't want to make any mistakes because I'm afraid people will think that I'm stupid.Also,my pronunciation isn't good.When I speak,people often say,"What?Say that again. "
       I am Yoshi.I have been in the United States for one year.I'm studying hard and I know grammar well,but the vocabulary is very difficult.When I listen,I don't understand many of the words.When I try to read,there are three or four new words in every sentence.I feel discouraged.

    (1)What would be the best advice for Maria Luisa?

    A.Try to have a wide vocabulary.
    B.Develop a good knowledge of grammar.
    C.Read as many English books as possible.
    D.Make friends with English-speaking people.
    (2)Why do people find it hard to understand Li Ping's English?

    A.She can't pronounce words in English correctly.
    B.She speaks at a very fast speed.
    C.Her grammar is terrible.
    D.Her voice is very low.
    (3)What can we learn about Yoshi?

    A.He was born in the United States.
    B.He has a very small vocabulary.
    C.He has learned English for years.
    D.He is very good at listening.
  • 2992.injured
  • 2993.Breakdancing may make its debut(首次亮相)as an Olympic sport at Paris 2024,Tony Estanguet,head of the Paris 2024 organizing committee,said on February 21.Skateboarding,sport climbing and surfing which have already been added to Tokyo 2020,have been invited to return in Paris.
       Estanguet said the choices responded to a need to make the Olympics "more urban" and "more artistic". "We have chosen to present the International Olympic Committee(IOC)with the four sports because they are creative,appealing to youth and completely in line with our vision.They reflect perfectly Paris 2024's identity. "
       Breakdancing is an example of a sport "which can be played anywhere and anytime in urban and other environments".It appeared at the 2018 Summer Youth Olympic Games in Buenos Aires in the form of head-to-head "battles".In competitive breakdancing,"breakers" face off in "battles" against each other,either as individuals or teams.Breakdancers use a mix of physical and artistic skills combining elements from gymnastics or acrobatics(杂技).
       The IOC had announced that the number of competitors at Paris 2024 would be restricted to 10,500,which limited the opportunity to add sports.But the organizers said the inclusion would not need the construction of permanent facilities(设施)and would involve just 248 competitors,including 32 breakdancers.The surfing events are likely to be held in established surf centers such as Biarritz or Lacanau in southwest France.
       The inclusion still needs to be rubber-stamped by the IOC,which is expected to decide on which sports to add in Paris 2024 after Tokyo 2020.

    (1)What do we know about breakdancing?

    A.It involves multiple skills.
    B.It's limited to group competition.
    C.It will show up in Paris 2024.
    D.It never appeared in the world events.
    (2)Why does Paris 2024 organizers have chosen the four sports?

    A.They attract young people.
    B.They perfectly reflect Paris' identity.
    C.They make Paris more urban and artistic.
    D.They can be played anytime and anywhere.
    (3)What can we learn from Paragraph 4?

    A.10,500 competitors will compete for the new sports.
    B.More surf centers will be specially designed for Paris 2024.
    C.The IOC will reject the proposal because of inadequate facilities.
    D.The inclusion won't require additional competition space to be built.
    (4)Which is the closest in meaning to the underlined word "rubber-stamped" in the last paragraph?

  • 2994.Many people do not like the idea of
    (实验) on animals.
  • 2995.When I was 25 years old,I had a big dream in my mind and lots of things in my backpack.I wanted to travel around Africa with my(1)
    .So I left my hometown with great confidence and(2)
    in Cape Town on a one-way ticket,not really(3)
    what to do next.(4)
    ,before my trip actually started,I met a kind,old Nigerian man.He gave me the best travel(5)
    I ever received: "Be like a student on your way around the world."
       It sounds(6)
    ,but it really changed my mind about travelling.He helped me(7)
    that travel is about learning and observing different(8)
    . "It's far too easy to go into a(n)(9)
    country for you and believe your ways are better.But if you study,ask questions,and(10)
    to learn from the locals,you'll have far richer experiences," he promised me.On other trips when I was on my tour way to Cancun,I didn't know the man so I was just a(11)
    .I only stayed there for a week to see the(12)
    and places of interest and then left.The culture didn't(13)
    me.I left the cities and towns without really(14)
    anyone or anything.Those people and things(15)
    in those places to which I had paid a visit.
       This trip satisfied me more than any other trip ever did to me.

    (1) A.friend B.pet C.backpack D.family
    (2) A.continued B.took C.danced D.arrived
    (3) A.sure B.excited C.afraid D.concerned
    (4) A.Certainly B.Luckily C.Truly D.Sadly
    (5) A.knowledge B.feeling C.advice D.reason
    (6) A.simple B.funny C.boring D.foolish
    (7) A.remember B.choose C.improve D.realize
    (8) A.cultures B.events C.places D.backgrounds
    (9) A.strange B.magic C.new D.interesting
    (10) A.accept B.try C.wait D.forget
    (11) A.tourist B.student C.reporter D.businessman
    (12) A.picture B.sight C.show D.mountain
    (13) A.inspire B.contact C.help D.influence
    (14) A.refusing B.encouraging C.knowing D.teaching
    (15) A.existed B.disappointed C.kept D.started
  • 2996.Jenny ________on holiday now. I wonder when she ________back.(  )
  • 2997.China is paying more and more attention to education so as to catch up with
    (advance)countries in science and technology.
  • 2998.
    /pænts/ n. [pl.](BrE )内裤;短裤;(especially NAmE )裤子
  • 2999.The young host majored
    Chinese while he was at college.
  • 3000.The kids often go
    (hike) at weekends.
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