    Fifteen years ago,Mark moved out of his mother's house upon landing a well-paying job in another city.He planned to visit her monthly and he had stuck to his visiting schedule during the first three years.However,with the increasing workload,he couldn't find time to visit her monthly.He only spoke to her on the phone,updating her about his life.Soon,his relationship with her came to a point where he rarely called her.
    It was ten years since Mark has last seen his mother,and he didn't remember the last time they spoke on the phone.One day,the reminder on his phone read, "Mom's 80th birthday!"
    "Oh,God!How can I forget her birthday again?" Mark shook his head as he turned the reminder alarm off. "I can't keep disappointing her like this.Let me see how quickly I can get to her place." After looking at his work schedule,Mark realized he could make it to his mother's house by the evening if he left the office in an hour.He quickly finished his work and left the office without wasting even a minute.
    On his way,he stopped at a bakery and bought his mother's favorite cheesecake. "My mother turned 80 today!" he cheered,telling the shop keep er how happy he was.He also bought her balloons and a few gifts.
    Excited to see her after a decade,Mark drove towards his mother's house.Although he wanted to call her,he thought it would be better to surprise her because he was sure she wasn't expecting him to visit her.After all,this was the first time he had done something like this in years.
    Mark finally arrived at his mother's house after driving for hours across the country,but it did not look the same anymore.The lights inside were all off and the fence was covered in wild vines (藤).It seemed like no one had been living in the house.

    Mark realized the house was abandoned._______
    Finally,Mark found his mother in a local retirement community._______
发布:2024/7/13 8:0:9组卷:0引用:2难度:0.2
  • 1.    In a world where bad news seems to be everywhere,it's always refreshing to hear stories of kindness.One such story comes from a small town in the United States where a 25-year-old man named Jeremy McGreen went above and beyond to help a neighbor in need.
       Jeremy McGreen,the owner of a roofing and construction company,had been eyeing Jane Goodall's roof for quite some time.The tiles were cracked and worn,and it was only a matter of time before they would start to leak.Every time he drove past her house,he assumed that another group of repairmen had taken on the job.However,as weeks wore on,the roof continued to worsen without any sign of repair.
       "I had it in my mind that if no one steps up to help this lonely lady in our community,I'd love to," said McGreen to his wife.
       One day,Jeremy stopped by Jane's house.He knocked on Jane's door and introduced himself,explaining that he had noticed the state of her roof and and was concerned about the potential damage it could cause.He offered to repair the roof for free and promised her that he would do an excellent job,and he even offered to show her some of his previous work as proof of his expertise.
       However,Jane Goodall politely turned him down because she did not like to accept charity and told McGreen that she had applied for a government grant (补助金) to fix the roof.She promised to hire him once the grant application was approved.
       Unfortunately,the approval never came.
    Para 1:McGreen decided to change strategies and came up with a new idea.
    Para 2:With the money,Goodall hired McGreen as she had promised.
    发布:2024/10/18 15:0:6组卷:0引用:1难度:0.5
  • 2.    A dandelion(蒲公英)kept in my dictionary always reminds me of my lunchtimes with my mother.
       When I was in the third grade,I was picked to be the princess in the school play,and for weeks my mother had practised my lines(台词)so hard with me.But no matter how easily I delivered them at home,as soon as I stepped onstage,every word disappeared from my head.Finally,my teacher took me aside.She explained that she had written a narrator's(旁白)part to the play,and asked me to switch roles.
       I didn't tell my mother what had happened when I went home for lunch that day.But she sensed my pain,and instead of suggesting we practice my lines,she asked if I wanted to walk in the yard.
       It was a lovely spring day and the rose vine(藤蔓)was turning green.Under the huge trees,we could see yellow dandelions popping through the grass in bunches,as if a painter had touched our landscape with a little bit of gold.I watched my mother casually bend down by one of the dandelions. "I think I'm going to dig up all these weeds," she said,suddenly pulling a flower up by its roots. "From now on,we'll have only roses in this garden."
       "But I like dandelions," I protested(抗议). "All flowers are beautiful---even dandelions." My mother looked at me seriously. "Yes,every flower has its own beauty,doesn't it?" she asked thoughtfully.I nodded,feeling pleased that I had won her over. "And that is true of people too," she added. "Not everyone can be a princess.Hence,there is no shame in that."
       Relieved that she had sensed my pain,I started to cry when I told her what had happened.She listened and smiled.

    (1)续写词数应为 150左右;
    "You will be a beautiful narrator," she comforted.                           
    Backstage on the night of the performance,I still felt nervous.                        
    发布:2024/10/19 14:0:1组卷:1引用:4难度:0.5
  • 3.阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
       At the center of the mall was the perfect Santa with a gentle manner and a real white beard.My six -year-old granddaughter,Leah,jumped from foot to foot as we waited in line for her turn to sit on his lap.
       "I don't know what to say,"Leah said,raising her neck around the kids in front of her.
       "Sure you do,"her mother,Lcanne,said."It's Santa.He's already your friend.You'll do just fine."
       "He'll ask you what you want for Christmas."I said."And you just tell him."
       We'd gone over and over the toys she'd ask for.Her mother didn't want surprises!Leah repeated the list.But a minute later,she inserted new toys she'd just spotted at the mall.
       "I've got an idea,"said Leanne,digging into her purse as the line inched(缓慢移动) forward."Let's write down your requests so you won't forget them."I couldn't help but laugh.Going to see Santa was such an important appointment for a six-year-old.No child should have any worries bigger than that.But the night before,on the news,I'd seen a village in the Middle East that had come under fire.Many of the wounded were children just like our Leah.Looking around the mall full of magical decorations and happy shoppers I felt safe,as safe as anyone could be.Everyone in the world should have that kind of security,especially at Christmas.
       "Okay,"Leanne said."Now you've got everything you want written down here.If you get nervous you can just give the note to Santa."
       Leah nodded and took the list.She read out loud,"A Chia Pet,Moon Sand and Aquadoodle."
       "Why don't you add a fourth request,Leah,"I heard myself say."Ask for peace on Earth."My daughter looked a little surprised by my suggestion.
       "What's peace on Earth,Grandpa?"Leah asked.
       "Peace on Earth means all the people in the world would get along.That's the true meaning of Christmas."Leah nodded seriously."Yes,"she agreed.
    Paragraph 1:Finally we reached the head of the line.______
    Paragraph2:The coming days were filled with thrilling expectation.______
    发布:2024/10/20 0:0:1组卷:0引用:1难度:0.5
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