    Steve,a twelve-year-old boy with alcoholic parents,was failing.Surprisingly,he could read.yet,in spite of his reading skills,Steve had been failing since the first grade.Steve was a big boy,yet,he went unnoticed until Miss White came.
    Miss White was a smiling,beautiful,young lady.For the first time in his young life.Steve couldn't take his eyes off his teacher;yet,still he failed.In the middle of the first term,the entire seventh grade was tested for basic skills.Steve hurried through his tests,and continued to dream of other things,as the day passed slowly.One day,Miss White's impatient voice broke into his daydreams."Steve!"Startled(吓了一跳),he turned to look at her."Pay attention!"She began to go over the test results."You all did pretty well,"she told the class,"except for one boy,and it breaks my heart to tell you this,but.."She hesitated,pinning Steve to his seat with a sharp stare. "The smartest boy in the seventh grade is failing my class!"
    After that,Steve still couldn't do his homework."Just try it,"Miss White said one day. "Steve!Please!I care about you!"Wow!Suddenly,Steve got it !Someone cared about him?Someone,so beautiful and perfect,cared about him?I Steve went home from school,thoughtful that afternoon and decided to work hard.
The following Monday,Steve arrived at school earlier than usual because Miss White would give a quiz on the weekend homework._______
    After Miss White checked Steve's test paper,she was in total shock!_______
发布:2024/7/11 8:0:9组卷:2引用:2难度:0.2
  • 1.    Nature,while beautiful,could also be unpredictable and merciless.But most importantly we bear in mind that in the darkest times,there's always a light at the end of the tunnel,just like Mrs.Evans' cabin light.
        One bright summer day,my friend Peter and I decided to take an adventure into the unexplored paths of the Great Smoky Mountains.Blessed with rich biodiversity and fascinating landscapes,the national park seemed a perfect getaway.Little did we know that our casual(随意的) hike would soon turn into an unexpected personal incident,forever kept in our memories.
        We set off early in the morning,equipped with our backpacks and a map that was supposed to guide us through the winding paths.The sun was up,casting long shadows on the forest floor as we set off on our journey.We trekked(艰难行走),laughed,and wondered at the beauty of nature around us.
        As we trekked through the thick forests,taking in the natural wonders around us,we couldn't help but feel a sense of adventure coursing through our body.The path was rough and rocky,but we persisted(坚持) through the challenging landscape.
        Midway through our exploration,we came upon a breathtaking waterfall,its shining waters pouring down the rocks in a quiet and peaceful melody.We sat down by the water's edge,taking a moment to get lost in the beauty of nature.The cool mist from the waterfall surrounded us,and we felt refreshed and energetic.
        As the day went on,we trekked deeper into the wilderness,eager to explore every corner of this natural paradise.We were so absorbed in the beauty of nature that we just didn't notice our way and it seemed that we could not find the way back to the familiar part of the forest.
        Frightened,we hurried to find our way back but the thick forests and winding paths only served to confuse us further.We tried to remember any possible signs that might lead us back.No sooner had we celebrated our return to the clear paths than something worse happened.
        Suddenly,the weather took an unexpected turn.______
        Just when we were about to give up,a faint light appeared in the distance.______
    发布:2024/10/22 5:0:1组卷:3引用:1难度:0.5
  • 2.    By the time I was in 3rd grade,I had seemed to be the last one for everything.But things changed when a little bird entered the picture.
        One day a tiny bird landed on the tree branch just outside my bedroom window.It sang an lively song as the first pale yellow rays of sunshine were over the horizon.
        "Oh,what is that noise?" i complained to myself,pulling my bed sheets over my head in an attempt to avoid the noise.It was no use,and I knew it.The loud noise meant the coming of a new day.My mom knocked twice on my door,and then came in with a smile. "Time to get up,honey," she whispered. "The early bird catches the worm,you know."
        "Ugh." I said in a quiet voice. "What does that even mean?"
        "It's just an expression,honey," my mom replied.She gave me a kiss on the cheek and urged me to get out of bed.I rolled over and slept for a few more minutes.
        As usual,I walked downstairs slowly for breakfast,ate slowly,and consequently,missed my bus.When I finally got to school,I had missed attendance and had to get a late pass.Embarrassed and ashamed,I made a sincere apology to the teacher.Since I missed the first part of math class,I struggled to understand the lesson and had to get extra help.Thankfully,my teacher gave me extra homework to make sure I mastered the new knowledge.Worse still,I forgot to sign up for Drama Club and didn't have time to go to the library.
        My mom noticed my bad mood the moment I got back home.Learning what happened to me,my mom gave me a warm hug and told me it was time to change.I nodded without consciousness.This day was no fun,and I could hardly wait for another day.
        The next morning,I was woken up by the same loud song.


       This time I jumped out of bed and walked to the window.________
       I was the first kid to greet the teacher.________
    发布:2024/10/22 3:0:1组卷:2引用:1难度:0.5
  • 3.阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
        When I was young,we lived in a small town.Everyone knew Roy as he was a top student in the town.He was of my age,but he lost his parents in an accident at the age of 8.So he lived alone and delivered newspapers to support himself and his education.
        Every time he delivered newspapers to our home,he wore a broad smile on his face and greeted my mom gently.My mom was greatly surprised when she knew his daily routine.He got up every morning by 5 o'clock and walked 5 kilometers from where he lived to the newspaper office to collect the newspapers.By 6:00,he carried 50 pieces of newspapers more than 5 kilograms and walked 3 kilometers back.After sending the newspapers,he rushed another 3 kilometers home to cook a simple breakfast before hurrying to school.
        This morning,seeing he left hurriedly in a strong wind,my mom and I decided to do something for him.After school,I waited for him at the school gate and told him that my mom would like to invite him to our home.When he asked why,I replied, "You will know soon!"Thinking for a short while,he followed me to my home nearby.It was possible that he assumed my mom would continue to subscribe to the newspaper.
    (1)续写词数应为 100个左右;
        My mom stood at the door,waiting for us.
        Seeing the bike in front of him,he couldn't hold back his tears.
    发布:2024/10/22 4:0:1组卷:5引用:2难度:0.2
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