Directions:Read the following passage.Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words.Use your own words as far as possible.
Heighten Your Appreciation of Music Music is such a fundamental part of human culture that it likely pre-dates literacy,the invention of the wheel,and even the musical note itself.While people generally know what kind of music they like - and what they don't - it's possible to expand your appreciation by learning new ways to listen.Here are some tips for cultivating sensitive awareness of musical elements.
   You might feel frightened picking up a guitar or sitting down at a piano but learning an instrument can help you better understand how a song comes together and what role a specific type of sound plays in the composition.Moreover,the movement and effort of a live performance can often focus your attention on parts of a song you may have otherwise missed.So,the next time you hear a song一 particularly a classical arrangement-try to imagine it being performed.Or,try to picture a scene(a thunderstorm,a race) that best fits the mood and tempo(节奏) of the piece.
   It's certainly not necessary to grab your favorite musician's biography in order to appreciate a good simple song.but it may help you better understand the context in which he or she wrote the lyrics or recorded a track.Researching backgrounds can also lead you to discover social and political influences at the time the music was created.
   It could be hard to appreciate a warm day unless you've spent a winter freezing.Likewise,listening to music requires a contrast that helps you better understand how organized and harmonious it can be.Listen to--don't just hear-common,everyday noises.While some may be irritating,others may have a melody all their own.Either way,you'll return to a piece of music with a new respect for a focused,deliberate bit of sound.
发布:2024/7/11 8:0:9组卷:0引用:1难度:0.5
  • 1.阅读下面短文,根据其内容写一篇60词左右的内容概要。
       Tourism can be both good and bad.Yes,it brings in money for the local economy and creates lots of jobs for locals,but it may also bring some problems.
       One growing problem is tourists who want to prove that they have visited a destination.Tourists have used paint,rocks,or even keys to write on the Luxor Temple in Egypt,the Colosseum in Rome,Stonehenge in the UK,memorial stones at the bottom of Qomolangma,and many,many other places.Thousands of tourist sites are being destroyed by tourists who "love them to death".
       Another big problem in some places has been tourists disturbing (打扰) the local people and life.Some tourists wander around and take pictures of local people without asking for their permission.For example,Chiang Mai University in Thailand and Yonsei University in South Korea have great numbers of tourists visiting their campuses and walking through their libraries and other public areas,taking pictures of students and disturbing their studies.Another example is Sanlitun,a neighbourhood in Beijing.China.Some tourists love to party there late into the night,making it difficult for locals to sleep.
       The number of problems from tourists is endless:walking in large groups without considering others who need to walk by,crossing roads without thinking of local traffic laws,and many more.The only way to solve the problem of the terrible tourist is to make sure that you are not one!Be the best,kindest,most polite tourist possible.
    发布:2024/8/3 8:0:9组卷:4引用:3难度:0.4
  • 2.假定你是李华,你校交换生Lucy准备参加所在城市组织的汉语演讲比赛,特征求你的意见。请你回复一封邮件,内容如下:

    Dear Lucy,___________
    Li Hua
    发布:2024/7/25 8:0:9组卷:1引用:3难度:0.5
  • 3.Collect more information about the group Westlife from the Internet and write your own version about them within 80 words.
    发布:2024/7/13 8:0:9组卷:0引用:0难度:0.9
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