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浏览次数:34 更新:2024年07月25日
  • 1.假设你是新华中学的高一学生李津,你的美国笔友Chris向你询问你校社团活动情况.正值你校社团纳新,请挑选一个你自己心仪的社团(戏剧社、音乐社、辩论社或羽毛球社),并用英语给Chris回复邮件.邮件包括以下内容:
    1. 简要描述你校社团活动情况(社团种类;活动时间……);
    2. 选择你要加入的社团并陈述原因;
    3. 表达想要了解Chris学校社团情况的愿望.
    参考词汇:纳新 take in new members 戏剧社 drama club
    辩论社 debate club 羽毛球社 badminton club
    Dear Chris,
        Glad to hear from you again. _____
        Looking forward to hearing from you.
    Li Jin
  • 2. What does the boy suggest doing?
    A.Heading for the circus.
    B.Playing with small animals.
    C.Going to the farm.
  • 3.Who is the man probably talking to?
    A.A doctor.
    B.His employer.
    C.A client.
  • 4.(1)Why do Americans like meetings according to the talk?
    A.To have a good time.
    B.To find better ideas.
    C.To meet more people.
    (2)What can members do at a meeting?
    A.Host the meeting in turn.
    B.Present their ideas.
    C.Make use of others' money.
    (3)How can a meeting be well controlled?
    A.By dividing into groups.
    B.By advanced planning.
    C.By having a good chairman.
  • 5. Who moved the desk upstairs?
    A.The boy alone.
    B.The boy's classmates.
    C.The boy and his classmates.
  • 6.(1)Which statement do most people agree with?
    A.People should eat less meat.
    B.The endangered animals shouldn't be hunted.
    C.Hunting is likely to go down worldwide.
    (2)Why are there so many white-tailed deer in the United States?
    A.It is illegal to hunt them.
    B.Other animals don't kill them.
    C.Their natural environment is improving fast.
    (3)What is the good reason for hunters to shoot the deer?
    A.The deer cause car accidents.
    B.The deer damage the crop.
    C.The deer harm other animals.
    (4)What is the best argument against deer hunting?
    A.It is considered to be cruel.
    B.It leads to more human deaths.
    C.It doesn't keep their numbers down.
  • 7.Where is the woman going tonight?
    A.The stadium.
    B.The library.
    C.The cafe.
  • 8.    Scientists have recently developed a method to 3 D-print greener buildings using local soil that they say has the potential to revolutionize the construction industry.
        Sarbajit Banerjee,a professor of chemistry and materials science and engineering at Texas A & M University,said 3 D printing was extensively used and allowed them to print entire architectural facades (正面),although getting such structures to meet existing building regulations remained a significant challenge.
        Concrete remains the primary material used in many construction projects but it cannot be recycled and requires a lot of energy to mix and transport.The research team's aim is to print structures using the type of soil that can be found in any garden.
        "While the widespread use of concrete has made housing accessible and enabled the growth of cities,this has come at a considerable environmental cost," said Banerjee.
        The move to 3 D-print concrete threatens to worsen this problem.However,we imagine a new example of construction that uses naturally sourced materials.Using such materials will further pave the way for building designs that are specifically adapted to the needs of the local climate.
        What's more,the use of local materials would reduce the need to transport concrete long distances,further reducing the environmental impact of the buildings.
        The research team's plan to replace concrete with the earth beneath our feet depends on their ability to improve the soil's ability to stand the weight of the whole house,to which Banerjee said "they are making excellent progress".
        Once they have a clearer idea of the limits of the technology,Banerjee and his team plan to further investigate how it might allow for building on other planets.For instance,they have worked on addressing the problem of building all-weather roads in the subarctic (亚北极区).They hope the technology could one day be used beyond Earth,to create settlements on the moon or even Mars.

    (1)What's the latest development in construction?

    A.Recycling concrete.
    B.Reducing the construction cost.
    C.3 D-printing buildings from local soil.
    D.Changing the construction regulations.
    (2)Which of the following is NOT an advantage of using naturally sourced materials?

    A.It reduces the need of long-distance transportation of concrete.
    B.It helps to design buildings adjusted to the local climate.
    C.It contributes to the development of housing and cities.
    D.It places less burden on the environment.
    (3)If people replace concrete with the earth,what main factor needs to be considered?

    A.The local climate.
    B.The cost of transportation.
    C.The environmental footprint.
    D.The soil's weight-bearing ability.
    (4)What is the last paragraph mainly about?

    A.The prospect of further studies.
    B.The explorations of the subarctic.
    C.The limits of the new technology.
    D.The barrier to building on other planets.
  • 9.All the tourists were ________ when they saw the ________ lakes in Jiuzhaigou.(  )
  • 10.       
    (给……上发条) your watch before going to work. (根据汉语提示完成句子)
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